We’ve been reading Jean Craighead George’s book, My Side of the Mountain*(a childhood favorite of my own), which inspired my boys to build a lean-to from scrap lumber in the back yard. What kid doesn’t love a good hideout? And what parent doesn’t love a book that inspires kids to play like this? *Affiliate link. I only recommend things I truly believe you’ll love!
What Kids Are Reading, In School And Out {NPR}
Why the Whining? (And 5 Steps to Eventual Peace) {Janet Lansbury}
How to Avoid Raising and Entitled Child {The Mother Co}
The Secret to Learning Anything: Albert Einstein’s Advice to His Son {Brain Pickings}
“That is the way to learn the most, that when you are doing something with such enjoyment that you don’t notice that the time passes…” -Einstein
6 Math Activities for Kids With Unit Blocks {Hands On As We Grow}
PVC Pipes + Connectors + Water = Physics {Rubber Boots and Elf Shoes}
45 Summer Activities for Kids {No Time For Flash Cards}
2 Quick Firework Crafts and 2 Fourth of July Books {Crafts N Things for Children}
A Little Housekeeping:
If you’d like to follow me on Facebook, well then, I’d love to see you there! Facebook can be a little wacky sometimes and seems to shuffle up your feed from time to time. But I’ve heard that Facebook has decided to help pages (like mine) get back into your news feeds — you just have to know the steps!
If you hover over the “Liked” button on my page (this link will open in a separate window so you can refer back here), then click on “Settings”, there are now 3 options:
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One More Thing: My friend, Mariah Bruehl of Playful Learning, has a great new elesson available! Help your kids create a Writer’s Notebook. Summer’s the perfect time to start recording all those amazing stories!
Amanda, I’m so honored that you would share my post on your wonderful blog. Thank you and cheers from your online friend!