Notes for Advocacy and Home Engagement
By Amanda Morgan, MS
As an early childhood educator, you know that play is the most efficient, most powerful method for teaching children.
But on top of your responsibility to teach the young children in your class, you also frequently face the task of educating parents, administrators, and community members about best practice and why you teach the way that you do.
This series of letters has been created specifically with that task in mind. A printable collection of high-quality, ready-made parent information letters to make advocacy and education simpler.
Either print or attach as a PDF file to your regular newsletters and outreach pieces. Or let them stand alone. You're minutes away from sharing a powerful message with your educational community!
Communicate quickly, easily, and effectively with ready-made notes to include with your newsletters and other communication pieces.
Educate. Advocate.
Easy Reading. Valuable Content.
Concise and to the point.
One page max length.
Rooted in solid research and best practices.
Open parents' eyes to the powerful purposes behind the play in your classroom.
Flexible Design
Access complete PDF files.
Print and copy as needed OR attach to electronic communication.
Written by topic and can be used in any order.
Quickly and easily grab the note that answers the questions you're being asked TODAY.
15 Parent Information Letters
"I'm so excited about Why We Play -- and I really appreciate that you took the time to pull all this information together and wrote it so beautifully and accessibly that I can feel confident sharing it with my young families. (I am also learning a lot!)" -- Margaret
With the full set, you have enough letters to send one weekly for a full school year OR monthly over the course of several early childhood years without ever repeating. You also have a wide array of topics, giving you more options and the abilty to respond individually and immediately to parent questions and concerns.
Choose the package that works best for you.
Why We Play: Collection 1
Single License
Immediate access to 15 Parent Information Letters educating and advocating for play-- available to print or attach as a PDF!
Your Price : $25
Why We Play: Full Series (All 3 Collections)
Single License
45 Parent Information Letters educating and advocating for play-- the full collection --for less than $1.50 each! mm
Value: $75
Your Price : $55
Why We Play: Full Series + Bonus
School License Option
45 Licensed Advocacy Letters for use by multiple teachers for a cohesive message throughout your school.
Value: $225+
Your Price: Discount Based on Group Size
Spanish Versions Now Included!
Communicate the importance of play to your Spanish-speaking parents as well. Spanish versions of every letter will automatically be included in your download access portal!
"These letters to parents are an amazing help for busy teachers who want send a message to teach parents, administration and community members about the value of play in the classroom.
They are full of information that is easy to read and helps to address the ongoing problem of how to teach parents the value of learning through play as well as the intentional planning that goes into each and every aspect of early childhood curriculum. I am so excited to use them in my own classroom."
-- Angela Kaiser Director/Lead Teacher The University Preschool, River Falls WI
"As an early childhood educator, one of my jobs is also to help parents become active in their child’s education. Not just while they are in my class but I hope to set the foundation for years to come.
That’s a big task. With these letters I have the ability to help my students and their families by sharing sound advice and research about all kinds of issues families face in the early years from a trusted source."
-- Allison McDonald Creator, No Time for Flashcards Family and ECE Literacy Author
A Word From The Author:
As I speak and work with teachers around the United States, I'm often told, "I wish I could explain that to other people the way you just did."
This series of letters is intended to help teachers do just that.
Whether it's explaining why playing in the dress up area actually promotes literacy, or how snack time does more than fill hungry bellies, or what the deal is with that messy sensory table anyway, with just a quick read, these notes will remind you of your talking points and share your message with parents concisely and directly.
-- Amanda Morgan, MS
Get a Sneak Peek!
Want to take a look at the first letter in Collection One?
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By submitting this form, you are consenting to receive emails from: Amanda Morgan – Not Just Cute, PO Box 906 Olalla, WA 98359 US, You can revoke your consent to receive emails at any time by using the unsubscribe link, found at the bottom of every email.
Single License vs School License: A Single License allows for use of the letters by one individual or one classroom team. A School License allows for use by all team members in one school. Questions? Email
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