In spite of the fact that Winter keeps shoving her snowy foot in the door around here, it is actually spring- even if only according to the calendar. If I had to pick just one theme to study with children in the spring time, I think it would be seeds, plants, flowers, and gardens. (OK, that didn’t really sound like just one theme, but they’re all interconnected, so I’ll let it go.)
I love gardens. I haven’t been blessed with an overly green thumb, but in spite of my skill deficiency, I am still filled with child-like awe and wonder and excitement as I think about planting and growing plants on my own. Planting and growing plants with children is all that fun times two! Watching them experience that same wonder is priceless! Additionally, the concepts learned while exploring seeds and gardens are critical! The experience teaches more than just the science concept of what plants need to grow, but connects children more with the sources of food (a concept that is becoming more and more fuzzy) and the stewardship of nature.
I began this unit on seeds and gardens last year and hope to add to it this year. So take a peek! Hopefully, you will find some new ideas to get you growing this year!
Photo by watsOn
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