Master Classroom: Designs Inspired by Creative Minds {edutopia}
“The industrial era had a long run, both gritty and great, but it’s over. The problem is, someone forgot to tell the education establishment. In schools across America, the factory model is still alive, and nowhere is it more readily apparent than in the classroom.” What would classrooms look like if we patterned them after the work of some of history’s most creative minds? A whole lot different! Goodbye, silent, straight rows!
25+ Ways to Embrace What Matters {Awesomely Awake}
“Slow it down, mama. There’s no hurry here. There’s just a life unfolding the way it’s supposed to unfold.”
Ice Volcanoes {Reading Confetti}
I can’t wait to do this activity with my own little guys. They love making old-school soda/vinegar volcanoes, so I’m sure they’ll get a kick out of this remix from Reading Confetti. Small motor skills, science exploration, and happy boys. That’s a good mix. (Pictured Above)
Kids’ Culinary Passport {Inner Child Food}
Such a fun way to expose your kids’ taste buds to a new world of flavors — literally! Complete with a printable food passport.
Painting on the Light Table {Teach Preschool}
Light. Color. Texture. Plus a super easy clean up. What more can a little artist ask for? (Pictured Above)
One More Thing:
In case you missed it, here’s the line up from Science Week with No Time For Flash Cards. There is some awesome stuff here!
Science is Everywhere from Not Just Cute, Magic Potion Lab from Tinkerlab, Kitchen Science for Kids: What Will Freeze First?, Creating Little Scientists from Mom with a Lesson Plan, 15 Easy Science Activities for Kids.
Enjoy your weekend!
Shawn Fink says
Amanda! Thank you so much for linking to my post 25+ Ways to Embrace what matters. Love this list and I feel so honored to be included here.