When my oldest was about 6 months old, he reverted to waking every two hours at night. I felt like a zombie.
I craved sleep like it was a drug.
Desperate, I went to the library and checked out every book I could find on babies and sleep. As my husband arrived home from work that day, he found me (semi-conscious, I’m sure) holding our son in the rocking chair surrounded by stacks of books.
Glancing at the titles (and the bags under my eyes) he asked, “So what did you figure out?”
Exhausted, I broke down. “They all say something different. This one says do it this way, that one says don’t ever do it that way, and that over there says something entirely different from that.” I was overwhelmed. Frustrated.
Then he said something I’ll never forget. “But what do YOU think? At some point you have to put down the books and listen to yourself. YOU are the ultimate expert on your child.”
It’s probably the best piece of parenting advice I’ve ever received, and I’ve lived by it and taught it ever since.
I’m a big believer in learning everything you can, gathering all the information you have access to, and then listening to one more expert. Yourself.
What rings true? What feels right? What makes sense for your child?
Jeanne-Marie Paynel, of Voila Montessori, follows this principle as well. Gather the best information you can find, and then trust yourself as a parent. That’s why she’s put together a FREE event, Be the Best Parent You Can Be, interviewing 24 experts in parenting, education, and child development.
She wants parents to have free access to the best information she can gather so that they too can feel confident as an expert. The most important experts in the lives of their own children.
You can take part in this event as well — but you have to act fast!
Sign up now for this FREE event and you’ll have access to interviews from experts like Dr. Laura Markham, Kim Payne, Dr. Angelique Milette, and Marnie Craycroft, along with many others….including myself.
In addition to the interviews, you’ll have access to a private parenting forum on Facebook, for discussing your personal challenges, offering your own experiences, and getting tips from expert parents and parenting experts. You’ll also have access to several free resources from individual experts as a part of the event.
You don’t want to miss out on this great opportunity! Sign up now to make sure you get every update in the series, starting May 20th! You’ll have the opportunity to listen to some of the best child development experts out there to help you on your parenting journey.
And then remember to listen to one more expert. Yourself.
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