Photo courtesy of night fate.
I like to start this activity with a great fingerplay. It’s an adaptation of one I found years back somewhere on the internet.
Kitty Is Hiding
Kitty is hiding under a chair. (Thumb under opposite hand.)
I looked and I looked for her everywhere. (Look around with hand above eyes.)
Under the table, and under the bed, (Pretend to look under.)
I looked in the corner and then I said,
“Come Kitty, come Kitty, I have milk for you.” (Cup hands as though holding bowl.)
Kitty came running and calling, “Mew, mew!”
Game time!
After doing the fingerplay a few times, I tell the children we are going to try to find Kitty in our own game. One child comes up and closes his eyes. Then, I give a toy cat to one of the children to hide behind her back. I really play up the trickery and encourage all of the children to put their hands behind their backs to try to trick the “guesser”. When the children are ready, the “guesser” can open his eyes. Instead of just trying to guess who has the cat, he asks someone, “Where’s Kitty Hiding?” The child can not give him the name of the child hiding it, but can give him clues like, “Kitty’s hiding behind someone with long hair/ black shoes/ the letter “S” in his name/ etc.” The guesser then uses the clues to try to figure out where the kitty is hiding. The game continues with a clue from anyone who doesn’t have the cat, and a “Right Here!” from the one who does! As you’re explaining this game to the children, take some time to explain how to give clues. Point out a child and say, “What clues could we give about Blake without saying his name?” Work through a few examples with the children before starting the game.
This activity combination works great with a small or large group of children. With the fingerplay, language skills are strongly supported as rhythm and rhyme are used and the location word “under” is exemplified. The group game supports social skills by encouraging the children to follow simple rules and work as a group. Giving and following clues also supports language and cognitive development.
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