If you’re looking for a quick, inexpensive, no-sew way to create capes for your super-preschooler, look no further! No super powers are required here, just fabric, self-adhesive Velcro tabs, and scissors!
For your fabric, start with tricot (pronounced “tree-co”). Call your local fabric stores to find one that carries it. It is fabulously shiny and light so that it ripples and flows as the wearer takes flight! As for super powers, it doesn’t fray, so it doesn’t require any hemming to finish the edges. Tricot comes on very wide bolts. You only need about 20 inches, so with the wide width, you can purchase twenty inches and make probably 3 or 4 capes. Once you have the tricot, cut a rectangle about 18 inches by 20 inches. (The size is by no means exact. This is the size that has worked for my 2-5 year olds, but feel free to adjust!)
Next, fold the piece in half, lengthwise, and round out the bottom and top to give the cape more shape. The cuts don’t need to be exact, but this is the shape I cut mine into.
Last step, attach the Velcro to the corners. One tab goes on the inside, the other on the outside, so that the corners overlap smoothly when the tabs are attached. If you aren’t absolutely, morally opposed to sewing, you could reinforce the tabs with a quick “x” stitch to strengthen them against the repeated pulling they will be getting.
Ka-pow! You’re done! If you want to, you can add embellishments such as sequins, logos ,or crests, but I haven’t seen any lack of enthusiasm from wearers of the plain variety. Additionally, leaving the cape plain gives it more versatility for a variety of players and story-lines. Capes are a simple and great addition to power up dramatic play!
Read more about superhero play here!
[…] Up, Up, and Away! Superhero Capes for Preschoolers! Jump to Comments While I’m working on some exciting new things, here’s a revisit to an old post originally posted February 25, 2009! […]