I’m trying something new this year, in an attempt to combine a little bit of a show-and-tell opportunity and a numeracy activity. I’m calling my experiment “The Number Bag”. You might want to try it out too, and let me know how it works for you!
My magical, mystical number bag is simply a cloth drawstring bag. The bag is sent home with a card with a number written on it (1-5 for starters), along with the activity instructions in case any parents need a reminder. The child can bring anything they want in that quantity. For example, for the number 3 they may want to bring three toy cars or three cool rocks. (I will let parents know that if their child has something really special they want to share, they are welcome to use some creativity to make it work for the number bag. For example, if the child has a new doll she wants to share, but has the number 3, you might put in three dresses the doll might wear, or a dress with three buttons, and then include the doll to share as well. Or send the doll along with two other dolls of some kind.)
After taking the bag home, a child will bring it back to share on the next class day. The child will give clues to help the children guess what the object(s) is/are. After guessing the object(s), we will count them together and match them to the correct numeral. Then the child will have a few moments to tell more about what they brought. This activity will help with counting, numeral recognition, and sorting like objects as well as fostering the confidence, social skills, and language skills necessary to speak in front of a group.
Taking into consideration the size of your group, you may want to do this during large group time, or you may want to assign one child in each small group and do it during small group time.
So if this sounds like something that might add to your program, give it a try, and chime in here to share how it’s working for you!
For more ideas as you head back to school, click here!
Photo courtesy gotscolios.
[…] Right after the ABC’s parents want to know how you’re teaching numeracy. There are plenty of ways to work it in throughout your classroom and curriculum, but this year, I’m also adding the Number Bag. […]