If you’ve already done a few snowstorm paintings, switch things up a bit and get three-dimensional! Collect a sampling of random white items to glue onto a snow collage. Have your children help if you can! Here are some ideas: cotton balls, batting, tissue paper, packing peanuts, styrofoam (break it into the tiny balls for realistic snow), white buttons, white tulle, plain old white paper (have the children rip it into pieces for more texture and increased small motor skills), paper with white prints (white on white-ish plaids, stripes, etc.), glitter, salt, white scraps of ribbon or fabric – you notice the theme here, right? White stuff! If it can be glued onto paper and it’s white, (and suitable for children of course) it’s perfect!
Prepare the paper as you did in the snowstorm paintings (using colored paper and perhaps a background scene) and then provide an assortment of “whiteness” to be glued on for snow! (For collage gluing, try this method.)
This process enhances creativity as the children find new uses for “beautiful junk”, and create and express their concept of “snow” through visual media. The collage aspect increases small motor skills and adds a sensory element with the texture, creating something both visually and tangibly interesting. So clean out your craft drawers and get all your white “beautiful junk” out on the table! It’s time for another snowstorm!
For more wintry activities, click here!
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