I’m so excited to be featured today on Mandi Ehman’s podcast series at Organizing Your Way! She has a fantastic site and some exciting things coming up in the future. I’m flattered to be associated with her! Today, we’re talking about getting children ready for “Back to School”, specifically focusing on emotionally and socially preparing children for that big day! Click here to get all the details for the download!
Just for a little “behind the scenes” info on this podcast, I have to share a funny story. I had spent a good chunk of that morning on the phone with someone in India who kindly instructed me as I fiddled around with the innards of my computer to get it up and running again (a blogger with a broken computer=stress). Then I had three extra cousins over to play with my little ones, making it six under six for a few hours. As the scheduled phone call approached, I was finally feeling a little more Zen, until with about one minute to “go time” I poked my head in to where my children were playing, thinking I would quickly let them know that their aunt was here and that I would be busy for a few minutes. What I found was my four year old – stark naked! He was apparently in the process of changing his clothes…in slow motion…and stalled. All I had time for was to look at my sister-in-law and say, “Sorry!” So if you hear a bit of frazzled frenzy in my voice, just chuckle to yourself and think of my crazy day!
LOL, Amanda — I had no idea any of that was going on behind the scenes. Thanks so much for taking time out of your crazy day to share your tips!!
Thanks for having me, Mandi! It’s always fun to talk with you!