I observed at a wonderful preschool this week where they were using this (it smelled fabulous):
Making Colorful and Scented Rice {Teach Preschool}
And the kids were having a blast experimenting with these:
Ramps and Pathways {NAEYC}
Here are some other great finds online this week:
Battery-Free Toys We Love {Frugal Family Fun}
A Factor of Success As Adults: Self-Control {The Wall Street Journal}
While I’m Away Mailbox Activity {No Time for Flashcards}
Add the Picture After You Frame It Up in Preschool {Teach Preschool}
Fighting the Tyranny of the Urgent at Home {Simple Mom}
Paint Heart Cookies & Heart Rocks for Valentine’s Day {The Artful Parent}
Have a great weekend!
Photo by D. Sharon Pruitt.
These are great weekend reads! I am going to go check out that NAEYC link now!