I returned home from a long vacation this month to a wonderful surprise: This fantastic book, Playful Learning, by my friend Mariah Bruehl. Mariah is so gifted and generous, so it’s no surprise that this book is truly fantastic. It’s an amazing resource I’m planning to review (with some fun surprises) later this month, but I’m so excited I couldn’t wait till then to let you know about it. It’s set to release this coming week, so check it out for yourself at Amazon.
Enjoy the Weekend Reads!
Matt Damon’s Clear-Headed Speech to Teachers Rally {Washington Post}
But My Child Doesn’t Like to Play ____._ {Childhood 101}
Attention: How Much (and What Kind) Do Kids Really Need? {Modern Parents Messy Kids}
Where is the Line Between High Fashion and High Risk ? 10 Year Old Vogue Model {Dr. Robyn Silverman}
Ten Ways to Play in August {Let’s Explore}
Insect Activities {Teach Your Tot}
Pool Noodle Sculptures {Irresistible Ideas for Play Based Learning}
Grab a Spot {Teach Preschool}
Deborah says
Thank you for including “Grab a Spot” in your weekend reads. I always feel so proud when I make the list:)
notjustcute says
You always have such great stuff! I have to ask what section you found your dots in. I looked for some last week without any luck. I wondered if I might be looking in the wrong place. Love the idea!
Corey Brock says
Thanks for including me in your weekend links! “Playful Learning” sounds great! I’m going to have to add that to my list of must reads! Thanks for sharing!