The 101 Positive Principles of Discipline (Thanks for sharing, Elizabeth!) {Dr. Katharine Kersey}
Toy Rotation {Picklebums}
Teaching Babies Langauge (and Much Much More) While They Play {Janet Lansbury} (Love how you can see the babies’ cues and the verbal response.)
Dan Pink on the Surprising Science of Motivation {TED Talks}
(He applies this to business, but there are interesting implications for behavior and education.)
Crayon Melt (with a blow-dryer!) {Preschool Projects via Teach Preschool}
Art Activity: Zoo Animal Puzzles (Eric Carle Style) {Hands on as We Grow}
Making an Art Tube {Curly Birds}
Experiment: Making Fake Snow {Tinker Lab}
Enjoy the start of October!
I am planning to try making the crayon melting activity!
that crayon melting activity looks like fun!
Thanks for including me in this great list!
Thank you so much for these wonderful links! Off to have a play 🙂
I adored “The 101 Positive Principles of Discipline” by Dr. Katharine Kersey! It was lengthy, but it is everything I have ever learned through my education, experience as a teacher and a mother, and from my mom! Definitely a guideline for life! Thanks!