Family Time: Meal Time Conversation Starters {Childhood 101}
Honoring the Spirit of Generosity in Our Children {Simple Mom}
Why the Ritalin Debate is Asking the Wrong Question: Healing Our Kids’ Soul Fever with Simplicity {Huffington Post}
Why I Hate Everyday Math and Why I Love Singapore Math {Imagination Soup} (I have been curious about this!)
Rainbow Themed Activities for St. Patrick’s Day {Pink and Green Mama}
Are Black Markers Really Black? A Chromatography Lesson {Tinker Lab}
Writing in Salt {Teach Preschool} (I love the addition of colored paper on the bottom!)
Spring Mural — Cooperative Project for Kids {No Time for Flashcards}
Happy St. Patrck’s Day, and Have a Great Weekend!
Be sure to check out all the information about joining my first Ecourse: Parenting with Positive Guidance. When signing up, don’t forget to use the TEAM discount for $25 off!
Thank you for the link today!
thanks for sharing my math posts! 🙂