I’m out pounding the pavement again this morning for my second half-marathon this spring. And guess what. It’s supposed to rain again. Boo! But while I’m out losing a toenail and getting hypothermia, I hope you’re somewhere cozy and dry, and enjoying these great reads!
After the Children Have Grown {NYT}
Optimal Brain Development in Children Requires Being Wrong A Lot {Rick Ackerley}
20 Ways to Be a Better Parent {Picklebums} What would you add to her list?
Summer Reading with Quiet Reading Too {Hands On As We Grow}
Build a Chain Reaction with Popsicle or Craft Sticks {Frugal Fun for Boys}
Rainbow Oobleck {Blog Me Mom}
How to Make Paper Airplanes {Tinker Lab}
DIY Crayon Sticks {Kids Activities Blog}
And don’t miss out! On Monday, I’ll be venturing out to my first Twitter Party with some of the awesome ladies behind 20 Moms and the Camp Mom Summer Activities Packet. I’m a newbie in this forum, so I’d love to see some friendly “faces” there! (*Plus, you can win prizes! RSVP here!)
The link for the Picklebums article is broken. It should be:
Thanks, Nicole! It should be fixed now.
Thank you Amanda,
Your link to Rick Ackerly led me to his post
‘How to Get Children to Behave? Be a Leader’
and the TED talk in it ‘Itay Talgam: Lead like the great conductors’
Such a refreshing insight on parenting/leadership.
So chuffed to be included in your weekly link list. I always pop over to see what gems you have discovered and I am never disappointed! 🙂