I received a fantastic question for First Friday Q&A:
I was reading your article on DAP and was impressed. I am running a preschool in Mumbai, India and would like to conduct a workshop for my teachers on DAP . I would like to understand how I can help teachers understand what is DAP and what that means in their classrooms.
I love speaking on this topic — but that’s part of the problem. I talk about this for an hour and just cover some of the basics. So what I do I say with just a few minutes? Here’s where I’d start:
(You can also find the video here.)
Here’s the start of the series on developmentally appropriate practice, Swathi was referencing.
I’ll be speaking next month at the Georgia Family Engagement Conference, and addressing part of this topic. I’d love to see some of you there!
How do YOU briefly explain DAP to parents and/or teachers?
Do you have a question for First Friday Q&A? Comment here or send me an email!
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