Well, it looks like we’ve got all the email subscriptions moved over! Phew! For those of you who are getting posts emailed, you might have missed an email or two in the move. You may want to check out Weekend Reads for 3.26.11, or More to Build On… with more construction activities to add onto the “Let’s Build” unit. And for those of you who aren’t receiving the emailed posts, well you might want to click up there in the top right side of this page and start getting some of this good stuff sent right to your inbox! Have a great Tuesday!
Top photo by ilker.
Joy says
Probably not the feedback that you are looking for, but I find that I am MUCH less likely to visit blogs where I have to click multiple times to read a post. It means I have to click back and forth, and it feels like it takes much longer to read (might not be true, but that’s my impression). I’ll probably keep visiting b/c you have one of my favorite blogs – and I realize this layout seems to be a trend.
notjustcute says
Thank you Joy. That’s actually exactly what I was looking for (not hoping for, but looking for). I want the full text as well and was getting conflicting reports as to what people were actually getting. I’m switching to a different delivery system, so hopefully Friday’s post will work better for you. If not, I may have to move to option #3. Please let me know how it goes!
Thanks for your feedback!