Today I’m over at my friend Steph’s place, Modern Parents Messy Kids, sharing some fun and easy ways to create your own puppet show theaters. Here’s a taste:
The invitation to put on a puppet show always promises plenty of fun for children . But as another form of dramatic play (something Steph wrote about here) it’s also a powerful learning tool, providing loads of practice for language and literacy skills as they experiment with words and stories. Of course creativity, imagination, and even social negotiation get a workout as well. Many have also found that puppets provide a great outlet for children who are generally shy or quiet, giving them language practice while keeping the attention on something other than themselves.
Creating your own puppet theater can be a simple step that will yield hours of productive play for your little ones. As with any good dramatic play prop, this may evolve from its original purpose, becoming a drive-thru window, a fruitstand, or a secret hideout. There are all kinds of ways you can make your own theater using common materials like these:
Hop on over to Modern Parents Messy Kids to get the whole post!
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