I had my favorite gardening help recently….all my boys! We got two dozen seed cups started to transplant to our garden in a few weeks. I love doing this activity with them, not just for the extra “help” (said help also insisted on labeling our Zinnias as Venus Fly Traps), but also for the opportunity for them to learn a bit about science and a bit about patience all at once. Plus, I can’t deny my boys an opportunity to bury their fingers in mud!
This is a great time of year to do some planting with the kids you love and teach. In an instant-gratification, nature deficit world, it’s a great opportunity to offer some balance. If you’re interesting in growing something together, check out this list of ideas. You can find loads of ideas at this See Unit post:: Seeds of Thought.
And of course, I’m always in the mood for a good read to tie in to any activity, so here’s a list of some of my favorite seed books:
Sowing the Seeds of Reading:: Book List for a Seed Study
What’s your favorite seed-themed book or activity?
Deborah@Teach Preschool says
There’s nothing like planting to get your hands dirty, build vocabulary and spend time with Mom:)