The latest Hot Topic post, DAP and Why We Don’t Push Kids Down the Stairs, definitely hit a nerve! The comments have been fascinating! Many shared examples of “too much too soon”, but some also wondered if it was OK to be supporting their precocious children in their advanced interests, while others wondered what the whole analogy even meant.
Since the Hot Topic is meant to be brief, I knew it would take another (longer) post to clarify such a big topic. But in light of the discussion, I’ve decided it will take several! So this next week’s series will be devoted to the topic of developmentally appropriate practice. Hopefully the concepts and resources covered will answer the questions ignited by the provocative analogy in the original post. If not, please don’t be shy, and add to the ongoing discussion in the comments!
Here are the topics I plan to cover (linked here as added).
- What does the term “developmentally appropriate practice” even mean?
- What are the consequences and causes of neglecting developmentally appropriate practice?
- But what about XYZ program that really seems to work without DAP?
What other questions do you have about developmentally appropriate practice or what other concerns do you have about the “too much too soon” aspects of our culture today?
The first post in the series arrives tomorrow morning. In the meantime, catch up with the analogy, DAP and Why We Don’t Push Kids Down the Stairs.
[…] been writing all week (and honestly, for years) about the importance of developmentally appropriate practice and why […]