Wild and exciting times around here as we work on all the plans necessary to get our family moved almost 1,000 miles away this summer. Daunting and exciting, but also, busy and distracting! So posts have been a bit sparse as we’ve traveled up and back several times, trying to find that one piece of dirt we’ll settle down on. But while I’ve been away, there have been some fascinating things coming across my screen that I’d love to share with you! (And if you feel like trading, I’ll be happy to take any tips or links for making a big move with your family or for living in the Pacific Northwest in exchange!)
Relationships (and Boundaries) First {The Art of Simple}
“People matter more than agendas—remembering this can change my day. And yet if I’m not careful, I can easily set aside my own health and sanity, and that of my family’s, in order to please everyone on the planet.”
Could School Testing Be Driving ADHD? {NBC}
An interesting look at the coinciding patterns of standardized testing and ADHD diagnoses. Don’t misunderstand the premise: It isn’t insinuating that testing actually causes ADHD, but that the testing culture is influencing the diagnosis of ADHD. Definitely something to think about!
10 Motherhood Guild Trips to Kiss Good-bye Today {Abundant Mama}
“Part of what drives me as a mother is making sure I am 100 percent always there for my daughters. I never want them to think that I’ve chosen someone else more important than they are in my life. But there are jobs. And careers. And meetings. And hobbies. And friends. And … and … and life. Ah, yes, motherhood guilt.”
Socialization Technique Helps in Academic Achievement, Trial Study Finds {Washington Post}
At a time when teacher evaluations and school performance are increasingly judged by student test scores, many educators may feel that limited classroom time is better spent on academics and not “softer” social skills, Rimm-Kaufman said. The study shows that teaching social skills in the elementary years can translate into higher test scores, she said.
“Our research shows that time spent supporting children’s social and emotional abilities can be a very wise investment,” said Rimm-Kaufman, who was joined by researchers from Virginia, George Mason and Arizona State universities. “When teachers receive adequate levels of training and support, using practices that support students’ social and emotional growth actually boosts achievement.”
DIY Color Blocks {And Next Comes L}
I love the color blocks I’ve used while working in large centers and have seen them in supply catalogs….along with a hefty price tag. Here’s a great, inexpensive way to create some yourself! It’s a brilliant idea that will get you thinking, “Now why didn’t I think of that?”
Acts of Kindness and Simple Service Projects for Spring Break! {Pennies of Time}

Great book list! Never forget to teach your students and children about the importance of reading!
I would love to give you tips for living in the pacific northwest. I live a little north of Seattle. E-mail me or let me know if you have any specific questions. Good luck. It would be fun to run into you, I love reading your blog.
Shoot me an email and let me know where you are headed in the pacific northwest. I have several friends who live there and am happy to connect you! One in particular who is probably very “like-minded” based on what I know about you from your blog. 🙂