Photo provided by scol22.
Cognitive development is the growth of those skills used for critical thinking, analyzing, logic, recall, and problem solving. We can offer opportunities for cognitive development through games like memory, matching, or puzzles. Conversation is a large contributor to cognitive development. Any activity children are engaged in can become an opportunity for cognitive development as we give them the time and opportunity to wonder. “Why does that…..” “What would happen if…..” When children bring us their questions, we can first turn the question around to give them the opportunity to come to their own conclusions. (“That’s a good question. What do you think?”) Often, their questions are simply a verbalization of their own problem solving process. Cognitive development is also an umbrella for other, more specific, “academic” type developmental objectives such as language & literacy, math, and science.
[…] flows, spreads, and dries. Talk about these differences with your preschoolers to enhance their critical thinking skills as well as language […]