Remember my brilliant niece? She’s now hitting the university grind as a future engineer. For one of her classes she was asked to create a mission statement as a learner. What she came up with inspired me, and I hope it does the same for you:
I will learn
From teachers and students
I will have an open mind
And I will change it often
I will be prepared to learn outside of the classroom
Especially from those who I think have nothing to teach
I will think critically with my mind
But never forget to involve my heart
And at the end of my life
I will regret the books I didn’t read
But not for a lack of reading
I told you she was a genius. So I’m challenging you to think about your own learner’s creed. What do you want to commit to as a life-long learner? What do you hope for for the young learners in your stewardship?
Wow, this is written beautifully! Often you hear “lifelong learner” but this describes it so eloquently! This would make a great poster for every classroom.
I agree!
I love what your niece wrote. I can only hope that my daughter will write a similar mission statement one day.
I really enjoyed reading your niece’s creed about life long learning. It rings so true for me at the moment, studying to complete my degree more than 20 years since I completed a Diploma. Also, with what I am learning about at the moment, how people can learn wherever they open their mind and where there are others who have the same interest and the motivation.
Thank you