Did you know Not Just Cute also has a podcast?
In case you’re looking for something encouraging to listen to over the holiday break, here are summaries of the most recent episodes:
Episode 36: Resilience, with Dr. Nefertiti Poyner
Dr. Nefertiti Poyner of the Devereaux Center for Resilient Children is an absolute delight. She deftly combines soothing compassion with straight-talking wisdom. In this episode, Dr. Poyner shares some of the principles that create the “ordinary magic” that helps us all to be resilient and bounce back from challenging times (2020, anyone?).
She shares a fantastic script for building resilience and relationships in the midst of all the frustration that children are feeling as they navigate new restrictions in the classroom and helps us all to remember how to “live today well.”
If you want to know how to build resiliency in children while inspiring your own as well, you’ll want to jump into this episode.
Episode 37: Teaching the Way Children Learn, with Rae Pica
Rae Pica is a force to be reckoned with. With her unapologetic straight-talk, she has been advocating for children and for whole child education for decades.
Her latest book, What if We Taught the Way Children Learn, fits the pattern, calling into question the many instances where our common practices seem to be at odds with what should be common sense about how young children learn and grow.
If you’ve ever questioned the status quo in early education or wondered how you could better educate the whole child – particularly during this time of unique regulations – you’re going to want to listen to what Rae Pica has to share.
Episode 38: Finding the Verbs and the Magic, with Heather Jackson
Heather Jackson, is the inspiring director of the Reggio-inspired Sunflower School in Ontario, Canada.
In this episode she shares her thoughts on verbs as thematic units, slowing down to capture the true intentions of the children we work with, and the beauty and importance in the magical thinking of childhood.
Whether you aspire to teach specifically from the Reggio philosophy or not, you will find so much inspiration in this episode.
If you’ve been wondering how you could do an even better job of bringing a child-centered approach to your curriculum or if you’re looking to bring more of the magic of childhood into your teaching practices, you are in for a treat.
Episode 39: Let’s Play America, with Pat Rumbaugh
Several years ago, Pat Rumbaugh was nicknamed “The Play Lady.”
And the nickname stuck.
After spending 25 years getting young people to play through her work as a PE teacher and tennis coach, she co-founded Let’s Play America and took on the task of encouraging people of ALL ages across the nation to prioritize play.
In this episode, Pat and I talk about why play matters and how we can do a better job of setting aside time to play every day.
If you enjoyed Pat’s TEDx Talk, Saving Play- One Playful Step at a Time, you’ll want to catch this passionate episode as well.
Coming Up:
I’ll be kicking off January with an overview of developmentally appropriate practice and the evolving conversation around it. What does DAP mean and how has that definition changed over time?
Be sure to subscribe to Not Just Cute, the Podcast to be sure to catch each and every episode as it’s released!
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