I’ve been back in the public schools lately, as my oldest son is now a kindergartener. It struck me right away that what I was doing with first graders just seven years ago is now considered kindergarten territory. As was mentioned in the article I linked to previously by Alicia Bayer, “In America, we currently have this idea that our children are struggling academically so the answer lies in pushing them more and more, at earlier and earlier ages… If our children are struggling academically, it does not make sense to make them do more of the same things that are failing them and from a younger age.”
The Gesell Institute of Human Development recently held a press conference to discuss a study they conducted to look at this shift in early education expectations. Noting that developmental norms established through research in the 1940’s by the institute’s namesake and child development pioneer, Dr. Arnold Gesell, strongly conflict with expectations now presented to the average kindergartener, the institute decided to examine whether or not the development of the average child has actually sped up. After a three-year study involving about 1300 3-6 year olds from 53 schools in 23 states from all points on the demographic spectrum the results show that even after 70 years, what is developmentally appropriate for a child remains the same.
Gesell Institute’s Executive Director, Dr. Marcy Guddemi explained during her formal announcement of this study, that “Children have sets of abilities that are definitively bound by their developmental level. These developmental abilities of a child are directly related to their success at processing the information given to them and to perform the tasks asked of them.” This means that regardless of state standards and curriculum requirements, if a child has not had adequate time and experience to develop the requisite abilities, her chances for success are slim. Unfortunately while the pace of developmental growth has not changed, what is expected of these children certainly has. The problem is, legislation, school policies, and fancy textbooks won’t make children any more developmentally ready for it.
As Dr. David Daniel, psychology professor at James Madison University and managing editor of the journal Mind, Brain, and Education, stated in the Harvard Education Letter, “The four-year-old has a four-year-old brain and a six-year-old has a six-year-old brain. There are certain things connecting in a six-year-old brain that are still being worked on in the four-year-old brain.” When asked about the more rigorous coursework being presented to children at younger and younger ages he replies, “They can be teaching it, but the question is: Is the child learning it?”
In the same article, Dr. Guddemi points out that children may actually appear to learn some of these tasks. But points out that this “learning” is actually “training”. Because they are not developmentally ready, the children haven’t built the appropriate connections for meaningful knowledge. Referring to these as “splinter skills” she says, “You can train them, but the knowledge and understanding—the true learning—has not happened. Our country has this hang up that if the child can perform, that they know.”
It’s similar to forcing a bulb to bloom indoors. Natural laws prevent flowers from blooming in the winter, but if we really want to, there are ways we can urge a bulb and create conditions that will allow it to bloom indoors in the middle of December. If we take that bulb back to its natural setting however, it would quickly die in the frosty air. Just because we can get it to bloom does not change its natural timetable.
Likewise, just because we can get children to perform tasks at earlier ages, does not mean they have the natural capacity to maintain those skills and convert them to real knowledge in a natural setting. Additionally, and perhaps more tragically, those children who cannot be “trained” ahead of their natural schedule suffer the consequences, being labeled as “difficult” or “slow”. By the time they are naturally ready to develop skills on an appropriate developmental schedule, they have already been left behind. It seems in an effort to create more success we have only created more unnecessary failures.
Dr. Guddemi pointed out during the press conference that the current trend towards a “push-down” curriculum is not creating better test scores, rather according to recent studies it is causing children to have negative attitudes about school and to view themselves as “failures” as early as PreK. Additionally, expulsions for preschoolers have increased to a rate 4 times that of students in the K-12 grades. One has to wonder if the problem truly stems from child behavior, or if it is the environment and expectations (created by adults) that are truly inappropriate.
Test scores and expulsion rates are not the only indicators that this high-pressure system is not serving our children well. Recent reports also show that social and problem solving skills, critical to success in school as well as in the job market are not being fully developed. Skills like persistence, creativity, cooperation, and communication are being left by the wayside in an effort to produce higher test scores and reach benchmarks earlier. As Dr. Guddemi stated in the New Haven Register, “When policy-makers and school leaders don’t have access to the latest research about how children learn they can make mistakes that actually keep down the very test scores they are trying to enhance.”
Not to be misunderstood, The Gesell Institute is not against raising test scores. They simply believe that there is a right way to do it. That is, by working with the child’s natural developmental process rather than against it. The National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) agrees with the Gesell Institute and has recently proposed that elementary principals be required to obtain professional development in the areas of child development and early learning. This is something that many of us would consider a logical requirement for anyone directing, planning, or supervising the education of young children.
The Gesell Institute recommends early childhood programs for children age 3 through grade 3 that emphasize experiences and exploration. Both of which quickly disappear from a worksheet-based classroom. The institute also emphasizes that these programs need to teach children to “negotiate and problem solve with peers, explore materials in creative ways, and engage in the work of making sense of their world alongside teachers who are experienced, patient and creative role models. Unfortunately, in an effort to close achievement gaps, both schools and parents endorse the “earlier is better myth,” believing that by “learning” academic skills earlier, developmental skills will follow. Gesell’s data proves the opposite – that developmental abilities must emerge before an academic curriculum has meaning for the child and that it stimulates a corresponding motivation to learn.”
In our nation’s effort to give our children more, we are essentially robbing them of what is most rightfully theirs: their childhood. What we know to be good and necessary for proper growth and development in the early childhood years is, in too many situations, being grossly ignored and dismissed. Unfortunately, this philosophy that earlier is better and that play and exploration is frivolous is actually edging out the development of necessary skills in exchange for an imitation of education. We as child advocates — parents and teachers — have to do our part to find that balance again.
Dr. Marcy Guddemi, Gesell Institute’s Executive Director would love to answer your questions about this study and the topic of developmentally appropriate practice. Comment here with your questions, and I will use those in an interview with Dr. Guddemi to be posted next week. (Please comment by Friday to ensure your question is considered.) What do you find most difficult about implementing developmentally appropriate practice? What challenges do you face in encouraging others to implement DAP? What aspects of the study left you scratching your head? Please further this discussion with your comments and questions!
You can also read more about Gesell’s study here:
Kid’s Haven’t Changed, Kindergarten Has— Harvard Education Letter
The Education of Educators — New Haven Register
Does Teaching Kids Earlier and Earlier Really Work? – New Haven Advocate
Study: Children Need Time to Develop – Teacher Magazine
Center photo by Anissa Thompson.
Colleen says
Excellent post.
I see this even in the homeschool setting, that there is outside pressure to see if little ones can jump through hoops. We have had many people actually try to quiz my 4 year old and just turned 7 year old on really complicated things, because they actually fear that maybe mine are having too much fun and not enough paper-pencil workbook time as their FCAT stressed public school peers. Or, folks hear that we are homeschooling them, so these people act as if they must be off the charts brilliant and start asking my sons about math problems that would normally be a part of a high school algebra or geometry class…
I had almost actually caved in a bit, as when pressed as to why we had not covered ancient Mesopotamia in our homeschool preschool, kindergarten or first grade, all of a sudden, I felt as if maybe these folks who are commenting are right and that I should nix doing a neat farm theme to fit an overview of ancient Mesopotamia, complete with paper and pencil tasks, into our day to day…luckily, the rational side of me kicked in and reassured the trying to please the naysayers side of me and said, “We are not going to get to ancient Mesopotamia and we are not going to do paper-pencil tasks to go with this now…we are going to learn about farm animals and the fall harvest and plan to take some cool field trips and do some neat hands-on things about farm animals and the harvest for the fall. We are going to go to children’s museums with farm themed exhibits. We are going to visit a dairy farm and see some cows. We are going to have a nice farm set to play with in our home. We are going to try veggies and fruits that are in season for the fall.
We might do some farm activities that teach about grammar, but we are going to do it in a way that uses hands on manipulatives to show nouns and verbs. We are going to do some math, but we will use little farm animals to count, sort, put into sets, etc. not workbook pages.
notjustcute says
Interesting, Colleen. I hadn’t considered the push-down effect on homeschoolers! I was thinking that was one of the benefits (being free from the mandated push-down) but I can see that the social pressure is still there.
Magical Childhood says
Well said! I love the forced bloom analogy. It also just seems like common sense to require that principals have comprehensive training in child development. We must start putting people in charge who truly understand children, and we also must start putting their best interests first.
I’m looking forward to the interview!
Karen Nemeth says
Thanks for this post and for getting this conversation started. I am especially concerned about the young children who speak home languages other than English. If English-speaking children are being rushed and pushed by developmentally inappropriate methods and content, then what chance do dual language learners have to jump in and catch up? When you consider that as many as 25% of preschool age children in this country may be DLLs, the difference between what they need in preschool and what they are getting is a service gap of great significance. I believe that as the level of diversity grows, the need to return to developmentally appropriate practices becomes even more critical.
Karen Nemeth says
I wrote so quickly that I forgot to say preschool AND kindergarten here!
notjustcute says
Thanks for commenting, Karen! I’m glad you brought that up! There is a large ELL population and it’s important to consider the service gap as you mentioned. A great question to pass along!
eelin says
i come from s’pore where there is a strong emphasis on bilingualism in the public school system. the effect on pre-school is that children are required to not just master english but also a 2nd language (which may or may not be their home language or mother tongue, as it is referred to here) by the time they enter primary school at 6+yo. i’m seeing the push-down effect for both languages. and it’s disheartening because it has the potential to put the child off the 2nd (usually harder) language which he may not be so good at or have less exposure to.
any views on this?
notjustcute says
Interesting question!
M. Schmid says
I couldn’t agree more…thanks for putting it so well…
Mona says
I have a question; Is there any ongoing research in regards to pushing kids developmental to enter school earlier and earlier and the high rate of ADHD diagnosis?
notjustcute says
Great question, Mona! I will pass it along!
It’s a little bit of a leap, but I feel it’s connected — this article
reports on a study which found that if a child was the youngest in the kindergarten class he/she was much more likely to be diagnosed as ADHD. To me, that points to a classroom culture that is not DAP creating that trend, but I will asks Dr. Guddemi if she is aware of any more direct studies.
Michelle @ The Parent Vortex says
Dr. Peter Gray has been writing about ADHD research and diagnosis on his blog at Psychology Today. It is very interesting and does seem to point to a link between the school environment/expectations and ADHD diagnosis, especially for boys.
notjustcute says
Great articles! Thanks for sharing them. I’ve only had time for a quick scan at this point, but would agree with Dr. Gray, that much of the upswing in ADHD seems to be environmental (as in the structure of school, etc.) not medical. I wouldn’t go so far as to say there aren’t justified cases of ADHD, but I would agree that 1 in 8 boys seems too high for an accurate diagnosis rate. Much more likely that there is something else to consider there. He makes some great points in that article.
Marilyn Kincaid says
Another interesting article on this topic: “Ritalin vs. Recess: Are Drugs Really the Answer to the ADHD Epidemic?”
See: http://www.takepart.com/feature/2015/01/19/ritalin-recess-adhd?cmpid=tpfeature-eml-2015-01-25-ADHD
Kelly says
I love your site and all the info. you share here. I am a big believer in DAP. My son currently attends a wonderful play based, very DAP preschool. However, next year he will enter public Kindergarten. I was hopeful there was going to be a full day option, because I feel at this point that with a full day there is time for play, socialization, etc. With so many half day programs they are trying to cram in so much that the kids are doing table work the entire half day. I’m starting to get anxious about the transition to kindergarten. I wonder, what can we do as parents who believe in DAP but are in a position where public school, which may not be have a DAP, is our only choice? I feel like my son’s foundation is so great and fear what is going to happen next year. I admit I’m probably overly anxious, but I want to continue the creative, cooperative, exploratory learning path he is on. I don’t want to see him (and me) have to shift to fit a model that just doesn’t fit him (or my philosophies).
notjustcute says
This is one of my biggest concerns as well. Both as a parent and a teacher! Great question!
mobmom says
Thank you for this post–I struggled a lot with the decision to homeschool my son, but what you discuss here was the reason why I ultimately decided to do it. I visited our local elementary school and just sat in sadness watching the little Ks being asked to sit still for hours basically. Every teacher I talked to said that K is the new first grade. They would also say things like “the kids really rise to challenge.” I think your forced bloom analogy really explains it. It’s not that a few can’t bloom well and a few more bloom adequately, but, ultimately, at what cost? That is what kept going through my mind–at what cost?
I agree with the earlier post that homeschool isn’t immune from the pressure. We are doing a loose Charlotte Mason approach (she doesn’t advocate schooling before age 6).
I feel like I am swimming upstream with the “better late than early” and “less is more” attitude and often catch myself being swept up in the “achivement” flood.
I look forward to your later posts.
notjustcute says
It’s such a struggle! When you see K’s like that (which would be most of them) you have to wonder, how do you balance what you know is right with what you know will be expected of them?
joyce:waddleeahchaa.com says
I have been involved as a preschool professional for 30 plus years. It is so sad on a regular basis to witness young, happy children who are in very loving, developmentally appropriate enviornments enter both public and private school settings where they are pushed into “learning” situations that are neither loving or developmentally appropriate. Thank you for your thoughtful and caring artical. I hope we adults in our need to be adults and to get ahead are not robbing our children of the very important part of becoming an adult, it is being a child first!
notjustcute says
A great point! I agree! I worry more about little lights going out than about who learns to read first. As long as children still enjoy learning and are passionate about discovery, they’ll learn what they need to!
Emily @ Random Recycling says
Great article. I think the other piece that plays into this is the after-school over scheduling of so many children.
notjustcute says
Good point!
Sarah says
Wow! I love how you can take all the research, throw in your own experience and analogies and make it informational and engaging! Great work, Mandy! I’ve worked with many first-graders who suffered from being pushed beyond their developmental limits. SO many students who were falling far behind their peers in reading only to discover they had an under-developed sense of phonemic awareness (no wonder reading was such a struggle!). My question is this:
How does the Gesell research compare to research done in other countries that widely embrace a play-based early childhood curriculum? How does the U.S. match up in things like crime rate and test scores?
Can’t wait to read about your interview! Good luck!
notjustcute says
Good question. Your point about PA skills also makes me wonder if that is common with children who have been taught reading as a “splinter skill”.
Robin says
What amazing incite for so many of us!
I would like to ask….. for so many of us parents who do not have a choice on how our child will continue to receive their education after preschool, what practical things can we tangibly do at home to keep our children enthusiastic about learning when they are required to do worksheet after worksheet and test after test and actually do complain about how long their days are? What can I do????
notjustcute says
I think that’s the key question right there! Thanks, Robin.
parentNearlychildhoodeducator says
As a parent educator second to teaching 2 1/2 to 6 year olds I am surprised to see the Montessori philosophy not mentioned here. Maria was an early pioneer of developmentally appropriate practice. If you research the stats of children taught with this philosophy, ie combined age classrooms, prepared environments and so much more, you will see they are the children in the top 10 percent of their graduating classes. They are the children that have a love for learning. They are children that enjoyed their school days. They are the children that are far ahead of their regular public school peers and they are the children who were not pushed but who enjoyed every minute of their education.
notjustcute says
The Montessori philosophy is certainly one great example of implementing DAP. I would love to read more about the research that you mentioned. It sounds fascinating!
parentNearlychildhoodeducator says
Robin and Notjustcute, to answer your question, “for so many of us parents who do not have a choice on how our child will continue to receive their education after preschool, what practical things can we tangibly do at home to keep our children enthusiastic about learning when they are required to do worksheet after worksheet and test after test and actually do complain about how long their days are?”
One-You do have a choice. Move. Down size, homeschooling with a friend or two or research for the closest public montessori school. There are so many options. When you are out of options contact me and most importantly, make your child’s education the priority.
notjustcute says
I certainly agree that we have to make the effort to make our children’s education a priority. While I also agree with your premise that we always have choices, those choices vary widely with personal circumstances. Economic and community resources will often weigh heavily in the choices that are available to us. (I grew up in a very low-income rural area for example. The choices available for early education there and in Manhattan are COMPLETELY different.) I think Robin’s question is what are her choices within the circumstance of having public education as her most viable option. Thank you for offering your assitance. Ultimately, it is when we help one another that we improve the options available to everyone.
Elizabeth Watters says
One of the most challenging situations faced by my early childhood education students is the directors of child care centers. Oftentimes, directors do not have a solid base in early childhood education or child development, and expect teachers to implement content standards in developmentally INappropriate ways.
The whole notion of ‘Kindergarten Readiness’ has parents scared of school failure. Parents, who of course want their children to succeed, misguidedly push academics over intellectual pursuits. On the other end of the spectrum are those parents who assume all ‘learning’ happens at school, and don’t realize their importance to the overall development of the child.
The short-hand approach of standardized tests has replaced real observation of children and their strengths. We have taken on a deficit model of child development, looking at what children CAN’T do rather than what they can. And then ECE is supposed to ‘fix’ it, leaving no time for play.
notjustcute says
Wow! All great points, Elizabeth!
Nadene says
What an excellent post! I was constantly aware (as an ex-school teacher) that the system ploughed ahead of children who were just ‘not ready’. They quickly lost ground in so many other areas; emotionally losing self-confidence.
Pre-schoolers have an “I can do it all” approach that I fear is squelched in the system.
Homeschool provides a perfect tailor-made environment. We must keep focused on allowing our young children enough discovery and exploration in our curriculums and not go for the ‘safe’ option of workbooks and pre-set standards.
notjustcute says
You’re right. That “I can do it all” attitude is so valuable — and so fragile!
Kimberly says
I was a trained teacher, then went on to learn Early Childhood Education. I was shocked at how much more valuable information I learned in ECE! I kept thinking, why didn’t I already learn this? When I worked in a pre-school the term that grated on me was “Kindergarten readiness”. Make Kindergartens developmentally ready for five year olds, verses, five year olds “ready” for kindergarten. Children need to grow naturally, slowly, fully.
I just wrote a series of picture math books. Yes, they are simple, but that does not mean I want three year olds to learn about multiplication! I want 8 year olds to learn multiplication gently. One mom of a 3yr old requested a review set for free. I told her she was not my demographic. She persisted her child was doing first grade math. I felt so sorry for that child, sitting in front of school work at that age. Age does matter, thank you for your advocacy.
notjustcute says
That’s so interesting! I studied both ElEd and ECE before going on to do my MS in child development. I still remember a professor acting shocked and saying he was surprised to have a student with an ElEd background with such a strong understanding of developmental theory. I’m quite certain it’s because I did the dual with ECE. What struck me was that the norm was for teachers NOT to have that background.
Shelly says
It’s probably too late to ask a question but this is my first year working in early childhood as I am the curriculum and development coordinator for a local preschool. I also teach graduate education courses at a couple local universities to teachers and supervise student teachers. I am very concerned with the state of education. I was told at our last site council meeting that many of our teachers in the school district were crying at the last district in-service because they are so overwhelmed and stressed with NCLB. Several local schools did not make AYP this year and things are only going to get worse with expectations continuing to rise and the goal of 100% of students at proficient on state tests by 2014. I have also heard that tests will no longer be state controlled but, rather, come down from a national level. With the government in so much control of our education system, what can be done? Way too much is expected of our students and administrators, teachers, and students are stressed. But, there is a lot of pressure since schools must make “adequate yearly progress” on tests or else intense interventions will take place. Please tell me what can be done to change things.
notjustcute says
Shelly – thanks for your question. And you’re in luck! I’m compiling them all this morning. You just made it!
Sarah says
Excellent post. I just found you through Simple Homeschool. Everything I am reading lately reinforces the same thing: stop pressuring kids to be adults, let them be kids. I am reading “The Hurried Child” and it is amazing to consider all the ways children are pressured to grow-up before they are ready. It’s a good reminder to slow things down for them whether they are homeschooled or not.
notjustcute says
I had a grandfather-like figure once say – rather casually, but almost sadly – “We’re always rushing those children along”. It seems so simple, but it really had an impact on me.
paremtNearlychildhoodeducator says
Sarah, wonderful book suggestion and well said. Shelly, I would answer your question, “what can be done?” in terms of the overall public problem by saying observe- really observe a montessori acredited school through AMI or AMS. Spread the word about what they are doing from infancy all the way up to high school and the method used. You will see the children choosing what they want to learn guided carefully by a highly educated guide (notice I did not use the term teacher); you will see the primary children 2 1/2 to 6 leaving there classroom heading into first grade not only reading books like frog and toad, multiplying and socially polite but also happy with a strong love for learning. And most importantly, learning independently at there own pace and never pushed but learning naturally. All because of the methods and materials used in the montessori classroom. I challenge all public school staff to look beyond what they know and seek out change…OBSERVE…OBSERVE…OBSERVE!
Susan says
Thank you for sharing this really fascinating post. My husband and i read it together. It may be too late to get this answered, but we were wondering at what point is a child ready for the “rigorous academic experience?” Is Dr. Guddemi suggesting that solid academics shouldn’t start till four?
notjustcute says
That’s an interesting question, Susan. I’ll see if I can sneak it in.
parentNearlychildhoodeducator says
Susan, to take a stab at your question, “..at what point is a child ready for the ‘rigorous academic experience?'” If I may, I would like to answer by saying never in terms of rigorous academic work as I understand rigorous to be exhaustive. I would never want to put children through such a thing. I have learned with gentle adult quidance (i.e. child initiated work), a prepared environment (i.e. choice of materials readily available at all times vs. planned center directed materials) and teaching during sensitive periods (i.e. when the child is interested seen through good observation) the children will want to do the activities. They will want to learn and learn to love learning. I have seen for over 15 years now children from toddler to 6th grade grow and learn with a high amount of academics without them even realizeing it. If you speak to one of the 6th grade graduates, they will tell you they hardly new what was going on at the time. They only new they were playing and having a good time. And look at them now, Top of there graduating classes, well rounded, Happy individuals.
Marjolein says
Interesting reading this article. I have my 8 and 6 year old in a bi-lingual school in Costa Rica with abeka material, but the same thing rings through here as well in the private school system, the sooner, the better and work hard in 1st grade, because in 3rd grade you might not catch up. Of course this is a fully bi-lingual school in which they have to work extra hard because they have to be up to speed in both languages perfectly. They start out with english in preschool and then add the Spanish starting in 1st grade.
I love the school, the teachers, etc, but the concept of even in pre-K that kids will come home with “assignments” and “homework” that only parents can do is in my opinion ridiculous. Whatever happened to school setting where you as a child came to playfully “learn”…in Holland in the 1980’s it was just like that….one big classroom full of interesting little corners of fun where you learned things with your hands, investigating things for yourself. No parents involved there to do the work for your 7 year old because they need to come up with some sort of an amazing science project that the kid doesn’t even really know how to explain well, but I guess it sure looks nice and they feel proud that they have the “best looking” project of all….so who gets the grade, the kid or the parent?
parentNearlychildhoodeducator says
Well said Marjolein! Would love to know more about abeka’s phyilosophy of teaching/learning as googling it did not help me. How about in Holland all the way back to 1929! http://www.montessori-namta.org/maria-montessori
notjustcute says
Thanks for your input. I agree that so often these activities that are developmentally inappropriate are motivated by our own pride.
Dr Grey's article on ADHD says
I wish all parents and teachers can read this article for the betterment of children’s education. The article is so straight forward and logical…and if you are a parent or teacher you understand exactly what is is referring to…if this is the case then why do children continue to be pressured to perform in developmentally inappropriate ways…if societal pressure is us parent, teachers and school administrators…then where and how to we get on the same page for the sake of our children. This is a serious problem that needs to be addressed…
Melissa says
I completed a student teaching program at a California State University a year ago. I cannot believe that DAP was not something that was brought up in our training at all. I also started researching Montessori methods after I graduated, and was shocked that we never discussed this at all. My emphasis for my B.A. was Recreation and Leisure, and it was through this emphasis that I received my personal education on child development and the health of play and recreation. I bring my Rec and Leisure background into my teaching everyday.
I wish that principals had a more meaningful understanding of child development!
Lorri Paulucci says
Excellent article. How do we the public educators on board. As a pediatric occupational therapist, it is so frustrating to see children in classrooms that are devoid of exploration and play. It is also frustrating to see preschoolers pushed to write before they have had time to develop the requisite skills. How do we educate the educators?
notjustcute says
Great question, Lorri. I wish I had a great answer. For now, I think we keep advocating, keep teaching, and keep the conversation going. I also think that educating parents goes a long way as well. Parents are the best advocates for children. I’d love to hear more ideas in answer to your question!
parentNearlychildhoodeducator says
In response to…”Excellent article. How do we the public educators on board. As a pediatric occupational therapist, it is so frustrating to see children in classrooms that are devoid of exploration and play. It is also frustrating to see preschoolers pushed to write before they have had time to develop the requisite skills. How do we educate the educators?” By Lorri Paulucci…I would say again OBSERVE..compare and contrast. It may sound simple as ‘sid the science kid’s’ teacher always says, but we as adults do not take the time and effort to do so these days. If you are near an accredited AMI or AMS Montessori school, observe how play is going on all day. And yet they naturally learn manners and academics along the way…thus coming out of kindergarten joyful and highly educated…never pushed academically. ‘Educate the educators’ by observing methods that work and implementing them world wide in every school…instead of following the older traditional out of date methods taught in your undergraduate and graduate classes today….
Ginger says
I have a 3 year old (almost 4) in the special needs public preschool where they do play based learning but I’m looking for a better option to continue to meet her where she is. Can you offer suggestions for the Richmond/Glen Allen, VA area? I want her to play and learn, receive speech therapy and still be home most of her time. Homeschool is an option but I’m not sure how to meet requirements since she has developmental delays.
Ginger says
I meant thanks!
Sarah says
I appreciate the knowledge from this article, but I want to urge parents to not all jump to the conclusion that your local schools are just like this – give every school and every teacher a chance. I am an educator and when I became a parent I decided to stop working, I have been a positive promoter of finding what works best for your child to learn. I believe that for some homeschooling is best, for others public, private, cooperative schooling…other ways are best. I also believe that we can’t sugar coat it and believe that those most affected by low socioeconomic standing, immigrant status or less than “ideal” home situations do not come to kindergarten fully prepared. That is not saying that those of these groups can’t come to school prepared, just that it has been researched that home environment truly impacts learning. So, while yes, homeschooling is a beautiful thing we can not judge those that HAVE TO put their child in a public school and are thankful for an all day program because they are a single parent whom has to work multiple shifts to keep a roof over their families heads and food on the table. Therefor, some of this negativity towards public schools is unwarranted. We need to go and check things out. See is what is being researched ALWAYS true, in your local classrooms are children being pushed too hard or like at our local school are they getting multiple hands on experience, are they exploring their natural environment. are they learning at their pace and enjoying their day with their peers, are they ending the day feeling successful? If the answer is yes then let’s applaud the teachers and see how we can help to ease the large class size, let’s offer to teach a small art class, let’s do reading groups to help bring literature alive…
let’s be part of the solution.
Cait Fitz @ My Little Poppies says
I know this is an older post but I stumbled upon it today and had to comment. I agree wholeheartedly with all that you mention herein. I wish there was a way to change the direction in which the system is headed. I’m a school psych and was disheartened years ago when conducting a classroom observation for a Kindergarten class during which the children were taught how to fill in the test bubbles. So sad.
notjustcute says
It can be very frustrating, Cait! I truly believe that if the right information starts getting to the right people, we can change the cultural tide. We just need people like you to keep informing parents, teachers, and policymakers about what makes up best practice and why. We need to start making our decisions based on fact rather than the fear that currently pushes us in the wrong direction. Thanks for what you do — and keep it up!