When I first read Rae Pica’s piece, What if Everybody Understood Child Development?, as it was shared in the Huffington Post a few years ago, I wanted to hold up a printed copy and shout from my rooftop: “THIS! THIS is what needs to change!”
And now, there is a printed copy. Along with 28 similar essays. And so, here I am on my social media rooftop, sharing it with all of you.
This book sprang out of the passionate response to that first piece in the Huffington Post. Parents, teachers, and advocates all reacted as I did, sharing and discussing the piece with comments like, “Yes. A million times YES!” and “Amen!”. The original piece received more than 2,500 Facebook shares and more than 23,000 Facebook likes. Rae realized that the message wasn’t just one she personally needed to get off her chest, but one that many were yearning to hear and share.
So she wrote this book, compiled of 29 essays addressing the current challenges and misunderstandings in the areas of education and child development, and particularly, the intersection of those two.
I can’t wait to explore each one with you!
Below is the reading schedule for our read along of What If Everybody Understood Child Development?: Straight Talk About Bettering Education and Children’s Lives* by Rae Pica. (*affiliate link) The sections are very concise, so covering three in the two week period should give plenty of time. In fact, I’ve had a harder time NOT reading more than three in a sitting. So this is a perfect book for busy parents and professionals who are short on time, but still want a substantial book to read. It would also make a fantastic guide for professional development discussions as part of regular staff meetings. As each section is addressed, that post will be linked to the corresponding row of the schedule. I hope that you will read along and share your thoughts and experiences, even if they differ from what is shared in the book. As the author wrote herself: “It’s unlikely you’ll agree with all of the opinions expressed here. But whether or not you agree, it’s my hope that the straight talk in What if Everybody Understood Child Development? will inspire and motivate you to generate change — so children can begin to have the lives and education they deserve.”
I hope we can start that kind of conversation here, and let it extend into your own settings as teachers and parents.
Rae Pica, has more than 35 years in the field of education and is the cofounder of the world’s largest online educational radio network, BAM Radio Network, where she has also served as the host of several shows, including Studencentricity. She has written 19 books and shares her expertise with groups like the Sesame Street Research Department, the Head Start Bureau, Centers for Disease Control, the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, Nickelodeon’s Blue’s Clues, Gymboree, Nike, and state health departments throughout the country. She’s a lively speaker and workshop leader and an avid advocate for children and childhood.
Pick up your copy from this affiliate affiliate link, tag me in Twitter with your thoughts as you read (@NotJustCute), or comment on the posts as they come, starting January 20th!
So let’s get reading — and advocating for children and childhood!
Amanda, I’m so excited about this! Your enthusiasm for the book is much appreciated, as is the read-along. Thank you!
I’m so grateful to have you be a part of it, Rae! Thank you for launching this gem of a book into the world! It’s so needed!
Absolutely excited to join this read along and discussion! Going to make this book my first purchase of 2016! Thanks for getting the conversation going. #Excited!
So glad to have you join in, Yvette! #Excitedtoo!
Hello! This is a fantastic book for a read-along. I just did one this fall on it 😉 I’d love to invite your readers over to my old blog for inside access “Beyond the Pages.” Guest content experts from the field of ECE weighed in on each chapter, gave perspective, shared resources, and lead the conversation as participants shared their thoughts and ideas.
*Please note that my new blog address (where future book studies will be hosted) is http://enhancingyoungminds.com/
Find me on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/EarlyChildhoodIdeasResources and Twitter at https://twitter.com/dawnbraa
Isn’t it such a great book? A wonderful resource for professionals and parents alike!
Excited for this!
Me too! So glad to have you with us!
Do I need to do anything special to follow the read along? I have bought the book and I am finding the same problem, it’s hard to put down. It has also inspiring me to let children enjoy life more, snow, fresh air and movement. Thank you for that Rita.
Such a great book, right? To join in the read along, just read the book (at the pace we cover or at your own pace) and then join in on those dates posted on the schedule where we’ll talk about the section. Section one is up now and the next will be up next week. Just join in by sharing your thoughts and impressions from that section in the comments or on social media. I’d love to hear what you have to say!
Thank you for the read along opportunity. I’ll be starting at the beginning today and will join you all for the February discussion!