Young children are very emphatic about their food. They love it- they hate it. There are few in-betweens. Let them share their tastes and build their literacy by creating a group food collage. You can do this using a wall or a large piece of butcher paper. Provide the children with appropriate magazines and scissors in the writing area, as well as the standard markers, paper etc. Encourage them to cut out words and pictures of their favorite foods and place them on the food collage. They could even cut out foods they don’t like, and practice some symbolic literacy by making a circle and crossing out the food. (Just communicate that they are not allowed to cross out someone elses contribution.) Children may also want to bring in labels and cut-out words and pictures from favorite foods at home, or they may even want to draw their favorite foods. Allow a few weeks for this project to grow and take time each day to point out some of the contributions, discuss their differing tastes, and even take advantage of the environmental print that is sure to abound!
Search Results for: Culture of literacy
Push Down and Play Time
As I began writing this post, it became apparent that I was writing a sermon in two parts. (Brevity has never really been my strong suit.) Don’t worry, you don’t need to change into your Sunday best, your pajamas are just fine (you know who you are). Just get comfortable, I’ve got a lot on my mind.
If you want to get preschool teachers all riled up, talk about “push-down curriculum” (pushing academic standards from one grade down to the next- pushing fluent reading skills from first grade to kindergarten, and now to preschool, for example). I read this article the other day, and it really got me thinking about academics and preschoolers.
The Secret’s in the Sound – Phonological Awareness and the Preschooler
The Secret's in the Sound – Phonological Awareness and the Preschooler
Episode 77: Why Play? (with Rae Pica)
Episode 72: Fairy Tales and Resilience (with Stephanie Goloway, EdD)
Is Child Development Spiritually Empty?
In her book, “The Soul of Education”, Rachael Kessler wrote: [Read more…]
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Strong Boys: Online Dangers (Part 2)
If you read part one of this series, it should be pretty clear that we have to be proactive in protecting our children from pornography. Today we’ll look at how we can go about doing that.