One of the most amazing aspects of blogging has been the realization that there are REAL people behind those author bylines on articles, posts, and books. Getting to know those real people is one of my favorite parts of this blogging gig! Heather Shumaker has been no exception — an absolute delight! Her book, It’s OK Not to Share and Other Renegade Rules for Raising Competent and Compassionate Kids (*affiliate link) is amazing, but getting to discuss each section with her has been no less so!
Before we close out this year, I wanted to have one last chat with Heather, to discuss her book as a whole, as well as her plans for a second book (oh yeah!). If you have a question for Heather, I’d love to hear it! Comment below, ASAP, and I’ll take that into consideration as I chat with her on Thursday, December 11th. I’ll be sure to post our video chat by Friday the 12th. Deal?